Impartial advice for the best tool or item of plant for your job
We’re proud of our reputation for providing a knowledgeable and personal service to all of our customers, by helping to ensure that whatever tool or item of plant we supply meets the needs of the job. Being completely independent, our specialist advice covers various manufactures products and items suitability for your job.
We maintain a large inventory of tools and plant, all having been manufactured by well-known quality manufacturers. Our inventory is constantly being updated with new equipment and we are always scanning the market for new and innovative products that have been designed specifically for use in the construction sector.
We frequently purchase new equipment including diggers and dumpers for customers looking for medium to long term hire services. Subject to agreement, we can over brand company logos onto the 1st Choice Hire plant, to enable contractor branding to be visible on our equipment.
Order today for delivery when?
We know how frustrating it can be when works are held up because you don’t have the right tool or plant. When you order from us, your equipment will be dispatched from our storage depot and delivered by one of our ten dedicated vehicles. We’re committed to delivering all orders on time so that you can keep your construction work on schedule.
First choice for value-for-money
Completing a construction project to budget is always a challenge, and you won’t want to compromise on quality to keep costs down. Our prices are extremely competitive and fair, so you can feel confident you’re getting top-of-the-range tools and plant at the best possible price. That’s why we’re the first choice for so many firms.